Fun fact. Today, January 17, is actually known as ‘Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day’. Seriously. I didn’t make it up. It’s a real thing. Just like National Banana Pudding Day is August 27. I also didn’t make that up; it’s also a real thing. But I digress…

Coming off of a fun weekend seeing friends and enjoying time with people in town/Sarasota for the first Founders Group meeting of 2024, I started thinking about all of the things that we have planned for 2024. It’s going to be a busy year to say the least.
Most years, Ben and I have New Year’s Resolutions. Some years, we have a lot of them. This year, I only have one, and Ben has three. I thought you might enjoy a glimpse into our world, and maybe reflect upon your own New Year’s Resolutions. Or if you didn’t have any, maybe think about why not, why should you, etc.
Before I jump into our New Year’s Resolutions, I thought I would share some fun facts with you, including the top New Year’s Resolutions, how successful people are with theirs, etc.
Most Common New Year’s Resolutions
For 2024, the Forbes Health/OnePoll survey indicated these as the most popular goals:
- Improved fitness (48%)
- Improved finances (38%)
- Improved mental health (36%)
- Lose weight (34%)
- Improved diet (32%)
Less popular resolutions include traveling more (6%), meditating regularly (5%), drinking less alcohol (3%) and performing better at work (3%).2
So, for us, ours really aren’t in line with the ‘most common’ ones.
My only New Year’s Resolution is to finish my book. Yes, I have started writing a Fiction book, and my goal is to have it done by the end of 2024. Lofty goal? You betcha, but I’m going to work towards it with all that I have.
Ben has three New Year’s Resolutions that I know he will work hard at achieving:
- Open at least 3 more Bitcoin Ben Crypto Clubs.
- Work smarter.
- Spend more time with family.
We will help each other accomplish our resolutions or goals – as much as we can. We like to shoot for the stars!
2024 – the year of taking it easy? Nope. We definitely have our work cut out for us, but we work best that way. We will definitely have some vacations thrown in there, too, because in order to keep pushing towards these goals, you have to rest your body and your mind.
Like most goals, if you tell others, it helps make you more accountable. And maybe that’s why I chose this topic. Or maybe it just seemed like good timing and a good topic that most people can relate to.
I know I haven’t been active with my writing for Kelly’s Corner for a while. Between work, the house, fur babies, adult daughter, full-part time job, writing a book and keeping up with that Bitcoin Ben guy, it doesn’t leave me with much time to spare. But while it’s not a resolution per se, I do resolve to do better at writing for it on a more regular basis.
Ben and I wish you all a happy and successful 2024. Thank you to those of you who have been so supportive of what we’re doing.
Whether your resolution or goal for 2024 is to exercise more, drink less, learn more about Bitcoin, or read more books, just keep moving forward and do your very best. That’s all you can ask for, and give yourself grace when you stumble. Life isn’t a competition.
Feel free to share your own New Year’s resolutions with us. Good luck with yours. Here’s hoping that we’re in the very small percentage of those who stick with their resolutions all year – and achieve them!
“The secret to becoming part of the 9% that succeed? Only set New Year’s resolutions that are highly relevant, timely, and specific to you.”3
References/Related Articles:
This article was published on January 17, 2024, on Bitcoin Ben’s website (
Kelly Wisness-Semchee has spent 20+ years in marketing and communications for various companies. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and an MBA. Kelly has been married to “Bitcoin Ben” for nearly 15 years. They reside with their fur babies “Litecoin” Little and Lacie and daughter Alexa in the Sarasota, Florida area. Learn more at
Copyright © 2024 by Kelly Wisness-Semchee